people gather around food. why?
i suppose its one of the few things every human has in common (besides noses and ears and all that) we all need to eat to live! so why not be artsy and social about it!
and hey, why not be local and organic if we can? tastes better and feels better! Gives eating a more full filling feeling, knowing where your food comes from, and that its safe and happy.

I am slowly savouring the saskatchewan author, Amy Jo Ehman's book, "Coming Home for Dinner".
its all about her year of eating only local food, and her need to become a detective to find out how!
Its great if you live in Saskatchewan for all the resources she gives. Its great anywhere for the modivation and inspiration! the recipes are scrumptious.
I heard her talk on CBC about thanksgiving yesterday. It was a sunny Saskatchewan morning, Atlin and I were driving out to Vanscoy to meet sister family for breakfast, and Amy just brightened up my cbc morning even more.
here's her blog: home for dinner
There are other similiar books done by authors in other areas.
"The 100 Mile Diet" by Alisa Smith and J.B. Mackinnon was the first one i read, and it is GREAt. I read it while living near Vancouver and that was neat cuz i could visit the spots they talked about. Looks like they have a new book out called "Plenty"
there's the No Impact Man documentary
which is about more than food, the family goes a year with having as little negative impact on the earth as possible... very good film, i think you can watch lots of it on utube.
Where do we find the local, free range items to eat???
first stop is the farmer's market or local market garden:
Saskatoon has a great farmers market - Saskatoon Farmers Market
they are open on Wednesdays and Saterdays, but the little market store is open all week, they have a little bit of everything ya need!
Regina has a farmers market, which i am eager to check out - Regina Farmers Market
then there's this here little directory I stumbled upon : stop the hogs organic farm directory
thats all I could find today... but If you know of any other resources, or have any stories on gathering your food, please, leave a comment about them!
enjoy your free range eggs and wild blueberries!