June 3, 2012

squash quinoa soup!

Quinoa is one power food.  Here's a great way to eat it often besides as a side!
In SOUP!  yumm.
It provides a nice nutty crunch to a pureed soup.

Curried Butternut Squash Quinoa Soup
1 butternut squash
1- 2 cups of vegetable or chicken stock
1/2 cup dry quinoa
1/2 cup cream or coconut milk
salt + pepper
1 tbsp garam masala  or curry powder
cayanne pepper (to heaten it as much as you like)

Cut Squash in half and roast in the oven till soft.   Peel, cut up and blend, adding water as needed.  Place in a soup pot with the rest of the ingredients.  Bring to a quick boil, then simmer until the quinoa is cooked (about 20 minutes).
You can add a little yogurt, cream or coconut milk just before eating!

Options instead of butternut Squash:
-Sweet Potato
-Tomato- very good also!!

1 comment:

karen said...

yum, I just got some quinoa the other day and was wondering what to do with it, I do believe ive found my answer:)

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