December 13, 2011

Juan de Fuca - xmas 2010

I was thinking about last year's Christmas trip and upon looking, realized that I didn't post at all about it!  

We had a glorious time with Stevie's family in Chilliwack!  

Then we went to Vancouver Island.  

 Where everything in nature is huge.  Huge trees, huge beach, huge ocean...
Huge Love.

Atlin playin' with some bull kelp.

We spent a really nice day on the trails on the Southwest side of Vancouver Island.  
The Juan de Fuca trails.  They are good for day trips because there are a lot of hike in beaches. 

This particular beach is Sombrio Beach.

There had been a small community of people living/squatting out there very happily... until the ones in charge decided thats ENOUGH happiness.  and they told them to leave, chainsawed their homes in half and burned them.  here's the link to the documentary .  Sad.

there's still a swing back in the bush.  
and their spirits are there too.  
If you see any redhead girls working in Port Renfrew, with surfboards on their car, thats them!

my Drift wood collection.
A lot of these are still a part of Atlin's toys! They are used as percussion instruments.
Two hardy chunks of driftwood have a really good sound actually!

Happyest daddy.  

He spent a lot of time out here before we met.  
He worked on fishing boats all around Van. Island so he's connected to that area.

Littel Attie. bein' an sea babe

I have spent some good time on these beaches. the more the merrier!

I really had moments just watching and listening to the full sound and feeling of the ocean waves.
It is so powerful. 
I could spend hours and hours just watching and listening.

The ocean gives meaning to the yogic breath/meditation:  Ujjayi breath

It is a great meditation. and using during asanas creates heat and groundedness.

I can still smell the salty air, feel the humidity.  soft skin.

THis is what she thought of that day trip to the Juan de Fuca!  loved it.

BC Ferrys is a wonderful place to spend time and dream.

Its nice to think:  the ocean is turning RIGHT now...

as we breath.

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